Report : National Children Assembly and Integeration Camp-2016

first prize winner Team Balbhavan Jabalpur Group Song :Team Balbhavan Jabalpur National Children Assembly and Integeration Camp-2016 National Children Assembly and Integeration Camp - 2016 was organised at Nationl Bal Bhavan, New Delhi from 14th November to 16th November, 2016 in which children from 70 affiliated Bal Bhavans and Bal Bhavan Kendras of 17 States from across the country participated. The included participation of children of National Bal Bhavan, Jawahar Bal Bhavan Mandi and Bal Bhavan Kendras. This year's theme was ‘Friendship, Truthfulness and Love’. All the programmes were woven around this main theme. The Assembly was inaugurated on 14th November, 2016 by serectary, Ministry of HRD, Deptt. of School Education and Literacy Sh. Viney Sheel Oberoi by planting a sapling, releasing baloons and lighting of lamp. An Exhibition of art work and posters by children, Diorama of jungle animals, activity stalls in sprawling lawn added glory to the show. Special ...